Dietmaster Alternative
Why Total PT Fitness?
Consider Total PT Fitness as your DietMaster alternative. It is not just a nutrition software. It also includes video exercise and fitness testing. When comparing to other products for nutrition, consider these things:
- Calorie assessment, metabolic rate.
- Nutrition Analysis.
- Includes over 1400 days of meal plans, designed by Registered Dietitians.
- A personal online client fitness portal branded with your company information and logo.
- A phone app included for free for your clients.
- Online and available 24/7 from your mobile devices.
- Fitness Testing and goal tracking.
- Over 3000 exercise videos.
- A variety of affordable sign up plans to fit the needs of a small or large personal training business. See our Pricing page.
Check out more of our TPTF features and options.
And click here to try out our free trial.